mD reporting for duty hehe! Hmmmmmm, now I guess a little bit about myself for those who don't know. I'm 33, Irish, have a lil family of hamsters and still manage to get away with having posters on my walls, an Ozzy doll and occasionally wearing wings (living proof that life doesn't have to be totally mundane and that you don't have to 'grow up' simply because it's expected ;)) hehe!
As for how I became the gothylike girly I am well it's not to hard for me to explain, I'm sure as always experiences and reasons for choices will vary with each individual. However, for me from clothes to culture, style and architecture it's what I like and it's where I'm comfortable. It has always been aesthetically pleasing to me, fabulously and darkly beautiful so it was a natural direction and progession for me that I'm not in any hurry to move away from, simple as that and that's about as well as I can explain it :)
Now I leave you with that dear readers and passers by to make of it what you will *grin* :D
light us up..!