Thursday, September 30, 2004

Linky goodnes and other tales :)

'Oh, yeah.. What kept me as a part of the gothic subculture for so long was the humor. It seems strange and those that haven't had any exposure to goth just don't seem to understand... But there's a unique sort of humor, self-parody, caricaturism (is that a word? well, it is now) to be found in the gothic subculture that isn't anywhere else...'

How very true, people seem to find it so very difficult to get over the sterotypes and assuptions. There is and always has been an innate creativity, intelligence and humor (whether introspective or just in general), or so I find, that is hard to find in any other 'genre' but you need to do more than scratch the surface dear readers. Look beyond the egos (because there is no doubt they exist...) or those that you percieve to be the typical 'I hate everything, the world sucks and I'm off to cut myself' depressed face of 'goth'. Yes that element is there, and in every other subculture you care to name too but somehow it's the 'face' of this particular subculture that seems to be the more memorable one for most. So, there you have it, some of us can not only laugh at ourselves, be just downright funny in general but be even damn bouncy while we go about it too! This may or may not make sense, I have a tendency for rambling :p

Now, while I'm here some linky goodness:
PowerGoth Girls because they amused me greatly
Mary Hopscotch because she's a cool lil character (and I promised the guy I would help spread the word because it's relatively new hehe!)
light us up..!